Friday 8 July 2016

Her beautiful secret

He reappeared in her life just out of nowhere, the same way his calls came every now and then. They used to be class mates. He proposed that they meet up for lunch. While they waited for the meal, they talked of times past and filled each other in on what their lives had become; it was great to catch up. Their food was finally served and he began to stare at her in such an odd way that it made her uncomfortable and she started to spill her food. She couldn’t take it anymore so she stopped eating and stared right back at him, intensely. Then they both burst out laughing. ‘What?!’ she finally asked. He confessed then that he had always admired her but she always seemed out of his reach. She asked what changed and he teased himself saying that he only just became man enough.

Back in school, he came across as timid. She remembered the last time she had a full conversation with him, she wasn't sure of him as he seemed to hide behind a wall. He spent very little time hanging around, he always seemed preoccupied. Right after classes, he would head off. He struck her then as a focused person but she also wondered why he would not just chill out even a bit. Now she reckoned that there could be a chance for them so she let things flow. They started spending time together and both looked forward to seeing each other at every opportunity. They lived in different towns, he had made the trip to see her twice, so without warning, he sent her a ticket, forcing her over for a change. She liked that he was full of surprises, she gladly headed to his city. When she walked out, his eyes remained glued to her until she reached him, his hug left her out of breath. They both could not wait to get home, an unspoken agreement at this point.

He parked the car but they had to be quiet as they got in because his sister was sleeping over. His room seemed too far and they were both impatient. He grabbed her arm, and as she stood facing him, their lips joined, it was slightly awkward at first but they soon found their rhythm, tasting every part of each others mouths. His hands roved, intentionally seeking her body parts, then, she stopped him with a whisper…reminding him that his sister might hear them. She had a simple request "take me to your room". He grabbed her suitcase and they both headed to his room but she suddenly got shy. She wanted to have a shower so she disappeared into the bathroom to do so. The time seemed to pass so slowly to him so he picked up his tablet to finish typing an e-mail he had composed halfway while waiting at the airport. Just as he hit the send button, the finest thing he had seen in a long time walked right up to him. He knew she had a great body but nothing could have prepared him for how beautiful she was. Without make up she was even more glorious. He felt his soldier nearly ripping his trouser open.

He stood up, walked up to her and kissed her neck. She smelt like the sweetest flower, the smell tickled his senses. He groaned as he found her lips. His hands cupped her left breast, it was the perfect size, he whisked her up in one clean move and took her to his bed. He set her down gently, she was soft, he didn’t want to hurt her. He tried to rip off his shirt but she watched him with a smirk that said she knew what she was doing to him. He took her hand and led her to unzip his trouser, then he put it on the fullness of his manhood. Right on cue, she took him in her mouth and gave him such pleasure that made him moan so loudly. He wasn’t ready yet so he pulled her back, and lifted the beautiful one piece lace she had on. He kneaded her breasts, she seemed to like it so he covered her nipple with his tongue, he played with it, sucked it while kneading. He stopped for a minute and looked in her face, all her eyes said to him was 'don’t stop'. He covered the breasts with his palm kneading as he made a trail down. Wetness! He explored this spot in the best way he knew how, she moaned, her hands held his head, she was building and started to quiver. He drove right in, thrusted, she held him tight at first, then her hands ran right down his back, searching as she moaned softly in his ears, suddenly he felt her fingers on his testicles giving him a sweet feeling, their tempo grew faster, harder and it all shattered.

They lay there, taking each others bodies in. He was so manly she found, she loved his body and wondered whether it was because she had not been in a man’s company in such a long time. She loved the way he made love to her. She loved the way he took time to search, to give her pleasure. They talked more, there seemed to be so much to say. They went on and on, they could not get enough of each other, they did different things, some new to her, she wondered if he did this with every woman he had been with, but chose not to spoil the moment. She loved this night and didn’t want it to end. It was the weekend so she had two more nights to spend with him.
They woke up the next morning and went right on chatting. They had a shower together and as she motioned to get her clothes, he wouldn’t let her, he wanted her butt naked all day. She was hungry, so he made his way out to get them something to eat, then they remained in bed for the most part of the day. By evening, they made their way out of the room and she met his sister who seemed to look at her with approval. Not many words were exchanged.

The weekend was amazing, she had the best sex she had had in a while. They planned a holiday, it would be their little get away to keep the fire alive. Three months had passed and he missed her so. He could not believe that he could have missed the chance with her by not saying anything. He looked forward to seeing her again. It scared him that he was processing all these feelings. He had had nothing but flings since his last relationship. That was the person he was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with until he walked into her and his best friend in his bedroom! 

They met at the passenger waiting lounge, he was already seated, she spotted him and made her way to him. "You are never late" she said as they hugged each other. Their flight was announced and off they went. He treated her with such gentleness and she felt that familiar way, like her common sense was leaving her.
One evening, she took a walk, she felt the need to be alone. She was pleased, she was happy, this was a part of her life she had buried. She had convinced herself that she was fine without a man, without sex and buried herself in work, but this man was proving her wrong in every way.

He went to visit an old friend who lived in the same town. He returned with his friend to say hello to her. It was a she, she didn’t like what she saw. She wondered why he didn't mention that it was a female and jealousy coursed through her, more so because this friend of his looked at him so lovingly, something he seemed not to notice. He dropped his friend off and returned rather quickly. He crept into the bed to hold her like there was nothing but she was having none of that. They talked about it and he claimed that she was a friend and there was nothing more. The next day, this same friend came by, he had gone to the pool so it was a girl zone. This friend had such nerve! She asked series of questions about their relationship that she started to wonder what the friend was up to. It was hard for her because there was no definition to what it was they were doing just yet. She could not continue the chat so she excused herself and left their hotel room to find him for his friend. As she walked away, with every step, she was consumed with anger, she could not explain why. They had left Nigeria to spend time together and she was really in no mood to share that time with another lady friend. 

He was an intelligent student back in university but he was forgettable, there was nothing remarkable about him. Having spent the last few months with him, she was quite impressed at how well he had done for himself. She imagined he would have many ladies on his trail. He may not have thought much about it, but that friend of his was one of those girls who was out to get herself a man, a good man which he came across as. At least the friend gave off that vibe. This friend went as far as telling her about the time she visited Nigeria, how 'their boyfriend' made her stay memorable...She decided that they needed to define what exactly their relationship was and walked back to the room. 

She opened the door and they were both gone. Angrier, but relieved not to see the other lady, she went to the bathroom to wash her face but there they were, banging each other! Her instincts had told her that there was more to them than just being friends and this was proof of it. He was unaware that someone opened the door and was still going, he had his back to her. His friend looked right at her as she was facing the door with such evil on her face that it caused a reaction. She slapped that face as hard as she could, startling him, then she walked away.
She knew they would go out, so she gave them sometime to collect themselves then went back to get her things. She headed straight to the airport and got on the next flight home. She was shocked, she was upset, she was confused and most of all, she was hurt. She had so many unanswered questions but one of the things that she remembered was that for the three days they were together, they had not used protection. It sent her into panic mode. She dashed to a pharmacy and got the day after pill, she took it hoping with everything in her that it would not be too late.

She spent the whole time counting through her cycle and hoping that she would have no reason to call him. He called incessantly at first, sent messages, then called less, and finally, the calls stopped. She could not imagine what explanation he could possibly have. His friend seducing him was such a lame thing to her, did he have no self control?! She didn’t want to know anything about him but each time she thought about him, the only thing that filled her was rage. She had bought the pregnancy kit and was about to take the test but trepidation filled her. She was a strong, beautiful, independent and successful woman who should have known better! She had no idea how she had let herself go so easily. She could not bring herself to take the test so she decided she would wait for another three days.

She woke up that morning thinking about the pregnancy test she had to take. Every step to the toilet felt like torture, but just as she pulled down her underwear to pee on the stick, there it was, her red visitor had made a grand entry. She had never been happier to see that stain. And that was his total exit from her life, she killed and buried him with that flow. That was a part of her life she would choose not to remember anymore.


  1. ermmmm cough cough.....a little deviation from your usual writing tone. Quite bold i must say......

    1. Hahahahahahaha yes, this girl's writing has so many sides that need to be explored :-)

  2. You will give M&B a run for their money. You have spoilt me sef.

    1. Can I possibly spoil you?! Lol. So you read M&B too?

  3. Mallam d'Auriol14 July 2016 at 08:03

    A bit of soft porn allowed on blogspot these days? I am definitely subscribing now ��


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