
Showing posts from January, 2014


In various work places, different people come together so opinions of all sorts are expressed. There can sometimes be a conflict of interests so office politics happens quite often in different work places. From the malicious colleague, to the one with a sense of humour, or the one who calls the shots, the one who is easily swayed and there are different other categories of people. If it were just polite and rude attitudes, that would have been very easy to deal with but I also find that the world might have been boring and too predictable, don’t you think? The part where people are manipulative or negative, that makes life unbearable for others but that’s also quite interesting. Sometimes, the negative energy can be a spring board for some or could easily be passed around and that makes a person dread walking into that space everyday. The sad part is, if you have a job, you probably spend the most part of your day at work. You might not necessarily like what happens in the

From the archives...

I saw a few of my posts from years back so I'll like to share them here... Them Drivers. .. The rage steaming through blood shot eyes, the chaos because of such horrible drivers, no sense of direction, no adherence to driving rules, hurry.....simply no patience! They all just want to hit the road and in the bid to get on fast, they only succeed in causing jams everywhere. Sirens blaring........ whips held high. It's disturbing, absolutely crazy! What are they? Drivers or Uniforms? Does that make them any more 'CITIZENS' than anyone else? Traffic rules are broken and there are simply no consequences. Auto crashes all around the city everyday, bodies pulled out, rushing to hospitals.... How bad can it get??? Driving in Abuja......hmmmm Gets worse by the day, seems like a constant car race. June 29th, 2009 So??? It only gets bigger and better! When you convince yourself that you can’t do something without even giving it a try and you finally g

Fresh on the block

Remember Osofia in London? This is Safiya’s own version! Safiya works with an international organisation and has done a fair bit of travelling around the world for business and pleasure. However, you know how the experience of travelling to visit a place and travelling to live in a new place vary completely right? Safiya had been to many destinations in Europe but had avoided London for the fact that she had heard of her 'fellow country people' being scattered all over the place. “When I am leaving home, I prefer to be on holiday from everything familiar” she would always say so she deliberately shunned the U.K. Safiya finally decided to choose the United States as her destination for further education. On the day of her interview, she walked in confidently, all her documents were intact. She watched as some were denied visas and others told to pick up their passports a few days later. The annoying part with this particular setting is that the