Friday 2 September 2016

Groundut soup/sauce

I have always liked this soup/sauce but I don't enjoy it when it is prepared in certain ways, with okro for example. I have made this before but decided to try it again. I read a few methods of preparation and got some ideas of how I wanted to make it.

- chicken (I had four pieces)
- 3 onions
- garlic
- 5 tomatoes
- 1 pepper
- seasoning cubes
- salt
- groundnut paste
- palm oil/groundnut oil/vegetable oil
- crayfish
- a pinch of curry
- carrots
- green bell pepper

Tomatoes and pepper used

As always, the amount of ingredients you use will depend on the number of people you are cooking for.

Estimated cooking time: Forty five minutes to one hour

Method of preparation:
Put the chicken into a pot, chop half an onion into it, and season with 2 cubes and salt and a pinch of curry

Put that to boil for a five minutes then take out the chicken, keep the broth aside (there was very little left)

Blend tomatoes, two onions and garlic

Pour some oil into a pan and put over heat then put the chicken into the oil to brown it slightly

Afterwards, pour the blended ingredients into the oil, I added another seasoning cube and crayfish, then let it all boil for two minutes

At this point, add the groundnut paste, gently stirring so it would dissolve

Put the chicken in and let everything simmer for another two minutes. I wanted to give it a kick so I chopped 2 carrots, the remaining half of the onion and 1 green bell pepper, steamed lightly then put that into the sauce and it was ready.
Steamed vegetables

I had it with rice.

So there had always been something about perfumed rice for me! When I lived in Togo in 2005, I never managed to make perfumed rice. I prepared it like long grain rice which I was used to so I always burnt it and it was never properly cooked. I always sent for long grain rice from Nigeria!
Well, here I am in another French speaking country where finding long grain rice is not so easy so I was determined to get it this time.

Perfumed rice
I poured hot water into the rice, then added some cold water to dilute it. I rinsed it out, that way, I would not need to rinse again. Whatever starch I wanted to get rid of was done.

Next, heat water, put a few drops of olive oil and salt then add rice when the water is at boiling point. Keep checking and add water as needed till it is properly cooked.

This dish was divine
This was what the final product looked like ;)


  1. I'm definitely trying this recipe. I've never gotten groundnut soup right. It comes out thick. Looks yummy.

    1. I hope this recipe will work for you, please be sure to give me feedback.


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