Wednesday 23 July 2014


It has been 100 days since Nigerian girls were kidnapped from Chibok as they sought to be better people by going to school. Unfortunately, these girls are yet to be rescued and the #BringBackOurGirls campaign has brought world recognition to what is happening in North Eastern Nigeria.

This post is dedicated to those innocent girls who await rescue as we keep hope alive and stand with their parents asking for them to be brought back alive.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Something's gotta give

They sat and talked, laughing and smiling, looking into each other's eyes and kissing like lovers always do.
He was crazy about her. He loved her so much she got frightened sometimes.
She loved him, she did, but she wondered if she would remain happy if she spent the rest of her life with him.
She had so many questions...she didn't want to give up her career and fun in the bid to be married.

She knew something had to give but she wasn't sure what it would be.
She had friends complain, not once, of what they could have been but children came along...
Were these friends happy being married? That she could never tell.
She wondered if she could not have it all: love, fun, marriage and a career.
How could it be balanced properly? But they all say something's gotta give...

He couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life without her.
He loved her and would do his best to keep her happy. It was fast becoming his priority.
Sex with her was mind blowing! She had been the best and most open minded of them all. She was always willing to try and beyond that, she would initiate. He felt like a novice around her sometimes but she had a way of making him relax and try out his wildest fantasies. Who wouldn't want to keep a woman like that?!

But he wondered if it would always remain that way. She is a keeper, she is good around the house and fits in very well in social gatherings. But he wondered how that body may change with children. He wondered if she would end up being one of those women who would no longer want sex and how, just how he may handle it.
He would like to stay faithful but would he be tempted?

What's wrong? They both asked at the same time. . .unknown to each of them, they both had straying thoughts, on the same subject...

Thursday 10 July 2014

How do you feel about the insecurity in Abuja?

So I was asked today by my friend who does not live in Abuja how I feel about the insecurity in Abuja.

My answer to her was simple. I have chosen not to live in fear, anywhere could get hit. Besides, if I were marked to die today, death could meet me even on my bed. Nevertheless, I will not put myself at risk or ignore warnings that may be sent out. She agreed to that opinion and mentioned that she has a burden to pray for Nigeria. I encouraged her to please pray as I know that prayer goes a long way and I pray with pain and tears for my beloved country also. However, everybody in Nigeria is praying and that is part of our problem. We spend all the time praying and forget to think…the same God who is being prayed to, created brains for a reason.

Religion, the cause of so many woes?

Violence is being perpetrated in the name of religion, everybody claims to be praying, so who is thinking and who is acting? The Nigerian government cannot solve all our problems, many have alleged that the Nigerian government has failed in its duties anyway, a stark reminder being #BringBackOurGirls.

A person I think prays a lot but has stood out and really impressed me is Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili. I read an interview she recently granted to Metropole magazine about her role in the Chibok #BringBackOurGirls campaign and she mentioned very clearly that she had had enough of just getting over events and moving on, so she had to do something or else she would have been disappointed in herself.

Nigerians, how many of you can speak of/to yourselves like this? All we do is complain, it has got us nowhere. I saw a billboard with our President's face and a quote from him saying something like real Nigerians are not terrorists…are we in denial? And for how long? Maybe that myth has since been demystified? But on the other hand, could that in some way mean that we are too lily livered to act?

Different people have called for prayers at different times and on different levels but after the prayers, what happens? I doubt that God will come down from heaven to do what he has enabled human beings to do. I also do not doubt the efficacy or power there is in prayer, but I have to challenge you if you pray, to think. What could be done differently? You do have a role to play. In what way have you demanded that the government plays its role and have you played yours?

Monday 7 July 2014

Anthea and Chris...2

If you missed the first part, you just have to read it here.

For those who have followed the story, thank you for being patient ;)

Chris asked Anthea numerous times what her plans were for her birthday (August 2013). Anthea didn’t have any real plans so he scheduled dinner for two.

Earlier in the day, Anthea’s brother, Mark and a friend, Ogba, went by to see her. Some of Chris’s friends and his sister, Tima, also checked on her to give their birthday wishes. Her friends suggested that they go clubbing after the 'romantic' dinner so Anthea was made to promise to call them afterwards.
At 7pm, Chris picked her up.  On their way, he suddenly stepped on his brakes stating that he forgot to get Anthea’s cake because he had ordered a birthday cake for her. They were already late for dinner so they decided that it would be picked up the next day as Anthea ordered a cake for herself also. 

When they got to the venue, a Chinese restaurant, he asked to go upstairs although downstairs was almost empty. Anthea wondered and somewhere in her heart was anticipating a surprise as she walked in but was disappointed, so she voiced it by saying she was expecting to see the place full but he simply smiled and told her that their table was upstairs.

Benefits of Travelling

  Let’s face it, life can be hard. We have a lot going on at different times of our lives. How do you disconnect from all the pressure and o...