Saturday, 21 January 2012


The best man there is, able to achieve so much yet so human. Before him, I feel like I know nothing, but the beauty of it is that I can express myself just the way it comes. He is able to fill in the gaps where necessary and he helps in every way to refine my thinking. Blessed with intelligence, I never regret a moment talking to him.

Completely benevolent, his palms remain wide open for all to freely benefit from. He has nothing to hold back, I have learnt from his actions that by giving you get a thousand fold more.
A perfect gentleman who can make you feel as good as you choose to feel.
He is a man of integrity...he will not compromise his standards; he works with beautiful professionalism, a true fountain of knowledge...

The greatest woman alive: brave, fearless, full of courage and ready to take on the world, nothing can stop her once she sets her mind to achieve something. I have learnt that I can be and achieve anything I want as far as I set my mind to it. 
I share my goals, all I want to do and be with her, and she encourages me on and asks me not to hold back nor give up.

She has a heart so large and is always willing to go out of her way to put a smile on a face. A person you can count on at any time, that’s who she is.
Strength, grace, beauty, elegance and all that makes up a virtuous woman is what she is made up of.

Together, they have watched me grow in every way, from the very first breath till now and are still watching. 
They have and continue to provide all within their power, they have made my life worth living.
The freedom to share and correct despite the age difference is never an issue. They taught me to value myself and stand up for what I believe in. I am who I am today because they are.

So many times we let life pass and do not appreciate the people who are most dear to us. Our loved ones mostly, are the recipients of our best and worst emotions. 
I have been nasty, rude and done things that hurt them so much sometimes but their love for me is unconditional. I have every reason to be grateful to them and I count them as the greatest blessing I have in this world. I am taking out this moment to say I have the BEST PARENTS, they are everything anyone would wish for in parents and I love them to death.

Dear God, thank you for these wonderful people, please continue to keep them and bless them and may they keep blessing us, their children and the world at large.
They definitely have much more years to live because they haven't seen the best of me yet ;)


  1. 'Together, they have watched me grow in every way, from the very first breath till now and are still watching'.... My Best Line from THEM...Nice Write Up Gal....U Guys Check out Belletammy's Blog there is always one thing to relate too..cheers. GABE

  2. nice.i like the way u built it up.

  3. I can testify to that, wonderful parents you've got... Prof is indeed a fountain of knowledge ;) Jill


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