Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Dijon, France

When most people think about visiting France, the first thought is usually Paris. Why not?
Beyond Paris, it's worth noting that there are many other places to see in France.

I visited Dijon for the first time and found it to be a charming place. La porte Guillaume is a historic monument leading to into old Dijon/the city centre. The arc has a significance of freedom for the city and it is from as far back as the 18th century.
 Once you walk past the arc, this is the view.

 Further down is the rue des Forges. It is always buzzing with life. It is lined with restaurants and cafés that are always full as the food is great. Wandering around in this area makes you feel like you are back in old times. You get a proper sense of old Dijon with a bit of a modern touch to it.

It was lunch time so we settled in at a restaurant for lunch.
Escargots/snails...it was yummy

Foie gras, toast and salad

Boeuf bourguignon with potatoes, bread and carrots
Boeuf bourguignon/beef Burgundy is a beef stew braised in red wine, mostly red Burgundy. It is typical to the Burgundy/Bourguignon region in France. Dijon is in that region so this is a dish to try out there.
Cheese from the region :-)
Although my friend lives in Dijon, she had never tried typical dishes. My visit took her out of her comfort zone with food. Thankfully she was open to trying. And she enjoyed every dish.

God mother duties
I arrived the previous day and my friend and her daughter, my god daughter picked me up at the station. My god daughter came bearing flowers. It was so sweet. The last time I saw her, she was 3 months old but she has grown into this beautiful, talkative and active girl.

See how nicely they bloomed
 After lunch our wandering continued

La place de la libération is whereyou'll find the palace of the Dukes of Burgundy and on the other side, there is a museum.
I hear that if you go inside the palace area and are happy to walk up 300 steps, you'll be rewarded with a great view of Djjon. On this day, there was no way we were going to do so with this lil lady so we went to the museum only.
She wanted to pose like me

Sun kissed

The museum

I love everything about this photo

My Nigerian flag follows me where I go. When I have the chance to use it, I do so gladly! Simi was so happy to use it.

Isn't she just stunning!

 Saint Bénigne cathedral is a UNESCO heritage site and it was built on the Béningus's burial site. He was a 2nd century evangelist and martyr.
 I've been inside a few cathedrals and I find that many of them are similar.

The entire length of this car was fascinating

Streets of Dijon

Monument Sadi Carnot, place de la République

We were getting tired so we had a break at Place de la République. My god daughter was in high spirits and wanted to play. We did a bit before we continued.

 Lke Kir is surrounded by a park. The park was quiet and nice. It is big and we came across people taking walks, cycling, jogging, lovers and there was a play area for children. The weather was glorious.

Street grafitti

Lake Kir from one end

People have started the love padlock thing here

Lake Kir from the other end

Friends from way back...
 I had my last dinner with the family before my departure. from dinner, they took me to the station. I hear my baby cried as I left.
These two

 Simi hadn't tried salmon before so I insisted that she had to. She loved it!
Steak haché, chips and salad for me


My departure point
I had only three days in Dijon but I was sure to make the best use of my time there. I had so many more places I would have liked to see on my list which I didn't see. I'll be back so there is no hurry.


  1. Merci, merci, merci beaucoup Ene. ������

  2. Thank you for sharing your Dijon experience. I have never been but I heard and read a lot of good things about it and it looks like you had a great time. I really like the idea of bringing your flag with you!

    1. I sure had a great time. Yes, the flag idea never gets old :-)

  3. Dijon looks like a beautiful place indeed, apart from the usual French architecture, I loved the lake Kir, the fall colors are just gorgeous. I too love your Nigeria flag picture :)

  4. Fall in Dijon looks so pretty! That's true, I don't know much about France beyond Paris, so it's always interesting to learn something new. Hopefully one day I'll get to visit too!

    1. There are soooo many other places to discover in France.

  5. What a meaningful trip that you got to reconnect with your friend and your goddaughter as well! I love how you - as the tourist - were able to take your friend - who lives in Dijon - out of her comfort zone to try the local dishes. I still haven't made it out of Paris in France yet, so I'd definitely love to venture out a bit and maybe check out Dijon!

    1. I try to make the best out of every trip. If you do venture out of Paris, you will be pleased you did.

  6. I love how descriptive this post is

  7. I've never heard of Dijon (besides the mustard named for it) but it looks lovely! I love exploring more off-the-beaten path towns like this, so whenever I visit France I'll add this place to my list. Your pictures with your god daughter are so adorable!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad this post has made you interested in visiting.


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