Sunday 5 August 2018

Alone with your thoughts...

On days when doubt and uncertainty drown your thoughts, search those thoughts and choose to remember the areas of your strength.

When hope seems far and all you can do is wait, that is the time to draw on all the will power you can muster to keep going.

For every time you remember your shortcomings and want to dwell on them, cast your mind back to all your successes and cheer yourself on.

At the time when life's answers elude you, never forget that nobody has the manual on how to navigate this puzzle called life.

If loneliness creeps in, become your own best friend. Having to rely on others for your emotional well being may not be sustainable as each person has his/her own burden to carry.

There will certainly be times when you question love, so when you do, take a moment to reflect on the little and random acts of love and kindness that people you don't even know have done to you. It is one of the best reminders that love is in all the small things we take for granted while waiting on the big things.

Betrayal, deceit, disappointment, lies, unforgiveness and many other emotions will run through is too heavy a burden to allow these emotions consume you. Take a deep breath and let it all out. Don't rob yourself of the pleasure of living free. Protect your heart and let only the right things in...

Pay attention to your well being; your mind and body. I like to remind myself that if I were to die today, life would surely go on. You owe it yourself to look after you. Meditate, exercise, sing, dance, laugh, cry, do whatever sets you free.

Affrim yourself, you are your biggest critic and cheerleader. In the quiet moments when you are left alone with your thoughts, remind yourself that the only person you should be in a competition with is yourself. Keep working on yourself to be a better version of the person you were yesterday. do not have control of how people feel about you, what they think of you or what they say about you. You do have control however of how you react. Block out  negativity and embrace all the positive vibes. Love yourself and be the best you.

Photo credit: Google images


  1. True words of wisdom right there. You couldn't have said it any better!

  2. I'm really pleased to read this article. It's very interesting!!

  3. Never knew you are also a poet. This is a song of HOPE, a melody of affirmation of our strength and will. I am touched, as well as blessed.

  4. Never knew you are also a poet. This is a song of HOPE, a melody of affirmation of our strength and will. I am touched, as well as blessed.


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