Thursday 25 April 2013

Pollution or Not?

Crackling sounds pierce through the quiet moments of dawn,
those microphones come to life in the bid to call on believers to pray, the day has just begun. . .

Cars on the roads move with little or no respect for traffic rules, impatient drivers cause unnecessary traffic jams and in between all of that, some hurl insults at each other while horns blare so loudly, almost deafening.
Some cars are road unworthy but how they stay on the roads is a story for another day! From emissions of silencers from such cars to the wobbly movements that scare the drivers right behind, driving is sometimes a pain. PHCN powercuts may excuse the intermittent street or traffic lights, but those cars driving without lights at night can't blame the faulty grid. And if our visibility wasn't bad enough already, you can normally count on someone having a bonfire of black plastic bags on the side of the road, spewing noxious fumes into oncoming traffic just as you'd put your window down to cool off. 
The road dividers sometimes serve as trash outlets for moving cars, street hawkers and not to mention the sides of the roads where heaps of trash stand unattended and this seems to bother no one. As a matter of fact, stalls are erected and business is carried out beside the trash without a care. Does the smell not almost choke these sellers? Man must survive abi?
Roadside sellers vs trash
Drainages are not spared; they are filled with trash and do not serve the purpose for which they were created. When the real need for these drainages is required to be met, it proves impossible. And we wonder why there are floods?!

One of many of the rubbish heaps

 And oh, the men who so freely expose their genitals by the road sides to empty their bladders…where else in the world but here! We watch all this happen with absolutely no consequences. Who should demand that people behave right you may ask, nobody but you, yes you reading this post!

Finally, at dusk, just when it’s all going quiet and it is that time to lay a tired head to rest, some decide it’s time to hold a vigil and the familiar microphones come once again to life.
By the way, news has it that religious bodies are being contacted to regulate 'noise pollution'. Alas! a step in the right direction, fingers crossed.

Aren’t many of our problems caused by us? Our ability to accept and adapt easily to everything may be the number one robber of the way our lives should actually be. How do we survive through all this insanity?!

Talking about trash, a lot is coming from the Nigerian government today which is laughable. Journalists being kidnapped and the presidency defending that? That's how it starts,  dictatorship is back! The movie banned by the Nigerian government to hide certain truths, please watch it, it is a must see for all Nigerians.
I present you Fuelling Poverty in Nigeria!


  1. Awesome read! True Facts, and a Must Read! :)


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