Sunday, 6 January 2019

Mushroom sauce

I went to the market and there were mushrooms everywhere so I got some. I was chatting with a friend and she asked for the recipe I would use. 
I told her that I would have to form one especially as I did not have fresh cream to make a usual mushroom sauce. She doesn't like cream anyway and was keen to know the outcome.

Cooking time: 1 hour

- Mushrooms
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 green peppers
- 2 Onions
- Garlic
- Fresh parsley
- 3 tablespoons of butter
- Origano
- Seasoning cubes
- Salt
- Potatoes

Method of preparation:
The mushrooms here are wild so they are not as tender as mushrooms in stores. The last time I cooked with them, they were not as tender as I would have liked so I started by steaming them for a few minutes. This step I believe you can skip.
- Chop all the ingredients
-  Melt the butter in a pan then put the garlic and onions in
- Add the tomatoes and stir for a minute
- Put the mushrooms in and fry till the mushrooms are tender
- Put in the green pepper
- Add the carrots and stir all together for a minute
- Season to taste - I used 2 seasoning cubes, salt, origano and parsley
- Add meat stock and allow to simmer for 3 minutes
- Peel and boil potatoes

Photos of some of the steps below...

Fry onions and garlic

Add tomatoes then mushrooms

Behold the mushroom sauce

Served with potatoes
I was pleased with the result and it was tasty 😋
As always, do let me know how you find it if you try.


  1. I am on my way to the market ��. Looks sumptuous. Bravo!

    1. It sure tasted good. I shall be waiting for feedback :-)

  2. I have mushrooms I'm about to throwaway...not!

  3. Does sound so amazing. I'll have to try the recipe. Thanks for sharing this.


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