Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Dark moments, thick clouds,
despair, bitterness, hate,
Rage coursing through veins,

A chair rocking back and forth
but leading to nowhere
Then comes the popular question:
"Why are you always so angry?!"

Brightness, clear skies,
Joy, patience, tolerance, love,
Choosing to see the good side in everyone
and the bright side of everything no matter what.

We were made to have an extraordinarily happy life.
Afterall, YOLO
A healthy way to be,
Maybe the best way to avoid worry.

There sure are problems all over the world,
we all have problems from time to time.
However, life is 10% what happens to us
and 90% how we react to these situations.

Choose ye this day on what side you shall be...

Sunday, 6 October 2013


I wrote this report in 2010 when I still had some of the 'techie'ness (as my colleagues at the time liked to say) left in me.  My report

I may not have followed up completely with the Nigerian Research and Education Network but following up on this report, work is still being done and efforts are being made, more clusters have been formed but how involved is the community in this effort?

Nigeria is a large country with diversity as large and on so many occassions, agreement wanders far off. 
Eko-Konnect, SokREN and OsunREN are the clusters in Nigeria that are currently up and running. The idea behind the clusters is to get the Higher Institutions in different regions to collaborate and at some point, they can all come together to form the National Research and Education Network (REN).

Well, I'll let you read more about this yourself but I have to warn you that it is somewhat 'technical' :-) See these links for yourself please Nigerian Research and Education Network and Ekokonnect (one of the many clusters).

What do you think of the NgREN?

Benefits of Travelling

  Let’s face it, life can be hard. We have a lot going on at different times of our lives. How do you disconnect from all the pressure and o...