Thursday, 26 July 2012

The Unknown

From the tender age of their teens, he had his eyes on her…but flee was all she did, his name was one around and hurt she feared.
Years passed same way he would come and go. They both led their lives oblivious of any connection.
Away they both went with the wind but things didn’t work out both ways and back in each others way they were thrust once again.
Plan B she cannot accept to be, she was there the whole time but right past he walked and made a choice.
True he claims to be but slighted is all she feels. Black or white it has to be, shades of gray are not good enough.

Unspoken words, unanswered questions linger but intimidated by her outspoken nature he remains and proper communication eludes them.
Hurt her eventually he did but a future together he wants despite all. Bringing herself to accept that and trust him again she cannot do just yet…Trust has to be earned and that much she expects of him.
Left off trails…hoping to pick up from where it stopped is all he acts out but it won’t work that way for the lass.
Matters of the heart, who can comprehend them?

Could it be love? Love…a word…so many have doubted whether it truly exists. Love is pain but love everyone seeks in some form.
At the least expected time and places, love finds us. Caution thrown to the wind, reckless abandon takes people in love over. Too many times love doesn’t come the way we expect it but love is hardly enough.
Thoughts wandering; is it meant to be?


  1. Deep...I can relate to this somehow.


  2. We all deserve a second chance sometimes.

    1. Yes we do, but we can't throw caution to the wind either.

  3. well tammy, i belive if you are meant to be,somehow love will find its way irrespective of what might have happened...hmmm LOVE,i'm not sure of that word anymore *sigh# i hope it finds me sha *rollingmyeyes*
    Nice work ene ;) Jill

    1. Jillo...your comment reminds me of Natasha Beddingfield's song 'soulmate' (the chorus).

  4. Rather poetic piece. Brilliant!!

    Everyone deserves a second chance but when it becomes one too many.....think twice

    Someone said on the radio that love isn't enough. But I sat and pondered and this portion of the bible came to me..... Not trying to be all self righteous now....hehe... 1cor 13v4-8. This portion describes what love is. If u truly love u will be patient endure tolerate and believe the best. Love is the greatest of all. And love is a decision not really emotion based

    1. True talk. Love and fear can not coexist. It might look like love sometimes, even smell like it but it is not love until you make it so.

      Love is also 90% imagination so can be influenced by omissions and commissions for lack of better description. Its all a matter of perception.

      It would help if the 10% wasn't so heart wrenching when it goes wrong but hey! What's life without these experiences eh?

      Live and love I say! Forget second chances ...think new beginnings, even if with the same person. What's important is that it makes you happy.

    2. I love the sound of new beginnings and happiness... Love, just about anybody can relate to things written on it ;)

  5. Thank you Nmgbede... you summed up the part about second chances nicely.
    The love part...hmmm, tell us about it :-)

  6. Love comes in different forms because people are different. It might be topsy turvy but it doesn't mean that it isn't genuine. It might be all "Roses" but it doesn't mean that it works that way for everyone. What I am trying to say is that it withstands all storms. Is that right? I don't know honestly but I'd like to think that it does.

    1. Each person has their own different love experience...everyone just hopes it works out favourably for them :-)


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